Sitting Consciously: Redefining Your Sitting Experience

We spend 50% of a day sitting while at work, in our cars, while at home, and during leisure time activities. 30% of a day is spent sleeping. Our modern culture continues to strengthen our sedentary ways. Some of you may attempt to counter-act these sedentary habits with bouts of consistent exercise. Recent research has discovered sitting for prolonged periods, even if you also exercise regularly - could be bad for yourhealth.

Research is preliminary, but several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die. (British Journal of Sports Medicine). Another study published last year tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years; researchers found people who sat more had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised.

Health = sufficiency + purity

We are designed by way of our genetic blueprint, to be healthy. Health is achieved and sustained as long as you provide your body with sufficient amounts of pure ingredients as dictated by your genes. Any lack of health is your body’s physiological adaptation to a deficient and toxic environment. Our genetic blueprint has not changed in over 40,000 years, which takes us back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The sedentary environment we live in is drastically different from our hunter-gatherer ancestors. We move and exert much less energy than they did even though the “movement” requirements have not changed.

Sitting the way we do in our modern world has created a population of sedentary people with poor movement and postural habits. These deficient and toxic habits have led to growing numbers of disabling musculoskeletal, and related conditions that have or will afflict many of you. Movement plays a significant role in our overall health and for that matter our existence. 50% of your nervous system is wired for movement. Think of movement as a nutrient providing the necessary stimulus to the higher brain centers necessary to orchestrate all your body functions.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.”

- Charles Darwin


So what is the solution to this growing epidemic? Quite simply, change the way we sit. The office task chair industry has evolved by offering chairs that support the body in a comfortable position while sitting and executing various tasks. Some of these chairs will cause the body to conform to them; while state of the art task chairs will cause the chair to conform to the body. The question here is what does the comfortable position look like? Based upon my observations and clinical experience as a health care provider the position of comfort is not necessarily the most efficient, in fact it is typically distorted and fixed. The reason for this is the act of sitting over time encourages poor, inefficient movement patterns that become habitual. In addition to affecting your sitting activities, these poor movement habits carry over to impact your daily activities of living such as bending & lifting actions associated with both home and work activities, exercise programs, and other leisure time activities.

Changing sitting habits begin with learning how to sit consciously. Sitting consciously is accomplished through the use of a simple and effective movement management program. This unique three phase program provides you with essential knowledge and skills to change sitting habits during any of your daily activities. Imagine having the ability to negate the unrelenting muscular tension and pain throughout the neck, middle back, and low back that builds from sitting at your desk, in your car, or on an airplane. To sit consciously is to sit dynamically providing essential movement stimulation required for restoring and sustaining your body’s structural and functional integrity. Enrich your life experience by redefining your sitting experience. Improve your overall health and physical performance, increase your work productivity, and prevent potential injuries and disabilities.

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