Re-Learn How to Move Better in Your Everyday Life
Discover how to move better today so you can age gracefully tomorrow.
Is your “why” (you work out) being realized? (PART I)
There are times during my interactions with patients (I’m a chiropractor) in which I will ask “Why do you work out?” What is your purpose for working out? The reason I ask this is to first see if they are doing anything to pro-actively manage their health and well-being.
Is your “why” (you work out) being realized (PART I)
Before exploring these answers in more depth there is another concept that is inherent within both. This concept is what I refer to as ADAPTIVE CAPACITY.
How to get the most out of your body?
This is a question that I have been wrestling with for most of my life. I have always been physically active from my childhood; playing tag, twister, climbing trees, getting into wrestling matches with my buddies, having relay races around the block, to full neighbor rounds of capture the flag, throwing snowballs at a designated target, etc.
Exploration Versus Repetitions: Improving Your Physical MobilityThroughout Your Life
A surprising common thread that I have observed with those who suffer with some type of musculoskeletal pain is that many of these folks regularly exercise.
From the BOTTOM UP: Dissecting the Process of Good Body Posture
The evolution of movement and postural habits, good or bad, is considered a complex process from a physiological perspective. There are numerous interactions that occur between nerve, muscle, connective, and bone tissues for each and every movement that we execute on a daily basis.
From the BOTTOM UP: FRAME II The Knee
Today, I want to resume our discussion of BOTTOM UP thinking with the second frame in the sequence that stimulates the efficient FLOW of movement through the body during a given weight bearing activity. The knees are this second frame.
Today’s post will focus on the hip joints and their participation in efficient lower limb kinetic chain activity.
Who is the ideal HUMOMA client?
When we’re not at a computer we are sitting in our cars commuting to and from work in addition to transporting ourselves to and from leisure and family related activities.
Sitting Consciously: Redefining Your Sitting Experience
Our modern culture continues to strengthen our sedentary ways. Some of you may attempt to counter-act these sedentary habits with bouts of consistent exercise.
Invest in your movement future
What kind of investment are you making towards your movement future? Before you answer this I want to define what I mean by movement. For many the idea of movement is about having the ability to physically move your body from point A to B.